As an eBook fan, you may have come across various other file formats but do you know about FB2? FB2 is a fiction book 2 file format developed in Russia and often contains fiction eBooks. However, that is not a restriction to this format; in fact this format was designed to convert the other types of files easily. The FB2 format of files stays for the electronic versions of books in the form of XML documents where every element of the books describes their tags. What makes this format convenient for the eBook users is that it is compatible with various mobile devices. The best part about the FB2 format is that it contains a tagged structure that allows software applications to analyze and render the content accordingly. It means that elements like subtitles and quotations can easily be defined, also, in addition to formatting such as underline, italic or bold.
With our service, you can convert any document Microsoft Word to PDF . Our service will also help you to convert: to ePub format , to RTF format, to TXT format.
One can find many online converters and software’s that can convert your PDF files into FB2 but what makes our online converter special is that it is free and quick to use. Here is why you need to use this converter as your option to convert your files from PDF to FB2.